Play with these Words…
If we can’t be random here, where can we?!
Warning and Disclaimer - This podcast contains any and all of the following - EXPLICIT Language, adult themes, ridiculousness, crude humor, sexual situations…Travesty Hall LLC and this podcast is intended to entertain and is not liable, nor is Travesty’s ensemble, for what is found offensive by any listener.
All recording, mixing & editing for Travesty Hall by Jessica Jewell
Burn the Witch by Mike Moran
Starring Holly Dalton, Mike Moran, Shelby Taylor, Jack Thomas & Anna Wagner
Not Like Other Girls by Shelby Taylor, Music and Lyrics
Performed by Shelby Taylor
Cameos from Preston Adams & Kathryn Gourley
Ambivalent by Jack Thomas
Starring Preston Adams, Holly Dalton, Kathryn Gourley, Jack Thomas & Anna Wagner
3 Months Clean by Mike Moran
Starring Preston Adams, Holly Dalton, Kathryn Gourley & Mike Moran
Eggrolls are the Best by Kathryn Gourley and Mike Moran
Starring Kathryn Gourley & Shelby Taylor
Goodnight Travesty by the Travesty Ensemble w/guest artist Brad Wagner
Play With My Words by Jessica Jewell
Starring Jessica Jewell and the Travesty Ensemble
Featuring sketches by Kathryn Gourley & Mike Moran